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Digital Healthy Lifestyle

A sound Mind in a sound Body

Nowlifestyle / By myonline

Looking for digital healthy lifestyle solutions in a digital world ?


Our lifestyle in the 21st century has been greatly affected by the fantastic technological advances in science when Man first reached the Moon.

But  since then Digitaltechnology and quantum physics have opened an    infinite world of opportunities for us all.

But the sudden appearance of a virus and the pandemic and lockdown have created unprecedented turmoil and chaos all over the world.

That is why we need to find solutions for a 


Inspite of advanced medical research a virus of unknown origin has caused worldwide tragedy and hardships, decimating populations and creating chaos in both body and mind.

As a consequence we can all agree that LIFE will never be the same after this Pandemic and we need to find new solutions to cope with our challenges.

The world is in chaos and

as Albert Einstein claimed:

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them’

Where are we heading for ?

Money makes the world go round but isn’t there more to life than the Rat Race we are living in? What about Mankind, Nature and Humanity?

We need to re-think our lives from a different perspective.

But I wish to add that we need knowledge and clarity of mind to take

the next step   because the old philosophy ‘a sound mind in a sound body ’ is still valid and it has come to have a more profound meaning in our modern rat race.

      An accelerated,aggressive and selfish lifestyle which we are experiencing worldwide, combined with the shocking impact of a mysterious pandemic has resulted in major psychological disorders and illnesses unheard of before.

No wonder the whole world is sick !

The chaos  we are experiencing all over the world is a ‘phenomenon

defined by the(Oxford Advanced English Dictionary,7th edition) as

“a fact or an event in nature or society, especially one that is not fully understood: cultural, natural/social phenomena e.g Globalization is a phenomenon of the 21st century

which needs to be investigated, but I do not wish to speculate on this,

only to find healthy mindset solutions for the present crisis

As we are all affected by the prevailing chaos we need to

resolve it personally, at least by finding our own solutions worldwide.

That is why digital technology has been a great asset especially during the pandemic for it has enabled millions of people to work,study and socialize

( according to the International Telecommunication Union ( ITU) internet users grew to 4.9 billion users during the pandemic). For many people internet was the only way to continue education or employment during the lockdowns.

Are you ready for solutions to meet the present challenges ?

The last decades have produced such digital, space, and telecommunication innovations and our knowledge of quantum physics has expanded our universe that we cannot afford to be sitting on the fence passively and waiting for something to happen but learning to grope and find our own path in a Digital age.

New generations are growing up and using these digital technologies like second nature. But they themselves do not question how they work, only fly with them.

I have in mind those who did not grow up with digital technology but have worked nine to five or more hours who have been exploited by a boss and society and have become redundant in the prime of their lives. Those

  • who have lost their jobs because of the pandemic or
  • have health issues from the pandemic virus
  • or have obesity problems which are common all over the world and which is associated with many diseases
  • or those before retirement who have reached that age but could not achieve a lifestyle of their dreams.

Wake up in this fast but very innovative age

and learn to live your life on your own terms.

Because these innovations have drastically improved and simplified modern life, and you don’t have to know the source of this new knowhow but only to apply it to your own advantage.

Yet only five percent of the world’s population is taking advantage of all these incredible opportunities and we are at the mercy of becoming servile to the dictates of a New Age where knowledge is power

Are you struggling to find your own path in life?

This is why I have focused my blog on: Digital – Healthy- Lifestyle

on finding solutions to cope with the digital and health challenges facing our society, and the world for that matter, in this Digital Age.

In other words how we can benefit from the fantastic opportunities these new technologies offer to make our world and our daily life healthy and abundantly happy.

Are you living the lifestyle of your dreams?

Are you living creatively day by day, doing what you like or conforming to work demands and requirements of the corporate and business world where your time is exploited and you live a workaholic life.

Digitality has eased the burden of physical and mental activity of work by automation but are you motivated and happy doing what you like or doing it because you have to earn a living?

How have you been affected by this all?

If you wish to learn more about how your thoughts can generate fear and stress and ultimately lead to illness in your body,listen to the Power of your Mind. ( Joe Dispenza https://youtu.be/La9oLLoI5Rc)

But remember also that:

A little learning is a dangerous thing

Drink deep, or taste not the pierian spring”

Alexander Pope from the Essay of Man

as Alexander Pope noted way back in the 18th century, we have to empower ourselves with knowledge to clarify our minds because knowledge is power !

and we must not forget that knowledge of the past has created

the fundamentals of our present , incredible digital and technical achievements .

 This is why I have started this blog as a food for thought if you are in

a dilemma on what is happening in our chaotic world .

By following this sound body in a sound mind philosophy, the blog hopes

  • to help those who are looking for a solution or a positive change in their lives
  • To reach their goals by being fit and healthy in mind and body
  • To enjoy a Live, Love, Laugh Lifestyle of their choice

with Time Freedom and Financial gratification

You may like to know how Joel Therien a multimillionaire found a lifestyle of his choice

What are your thoughts, goals or aspirations in life?

If you have positive and feasible ideas I would love to get your feedback.

Connect with me below and let’s do some brainstorming together and help you

find a solution to your own problem.

If you wish to be part of our team of like-minded people

then add your name and email and I will keep you updated.

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